Building User-Hashtag Co-occurrence Network from Timelines on Mastodon

Hashtags are an incredibly useful feature for annotating posts and have an active role on microblogging platforms such as Twitter and Mastodon. They are particularly helpful for discovering new people to follow and finding interesting posts. In a separate post, I used Twitter to build hashtag co-occurrence networks based upon a specific hashtag. The general … Read more

Building A Social Network from Retweets in Python: A Simple Guide

EDIT (Feb 2023): As of 09/02/2023, Twitter is closing down public access to the API and replacing it with a paid service. Social media is incredibly useful for maintaining friendships, reaching out and interacting with others. In particular, social media platforms like Twitter allow people to share and exchange ideas freely and easily. In a … Read more

Interaction Networks of #COVID19 and “Delta variant” on Twitter

EDIT (Feb 2023): As of 09/02/2023, Twitter is closing down public access to the API and replacing it with a paid service. In the previous post, we went through the process of how to collect data from Twitter (Via Twint) using a few key terms. We then used regular expressions to extract the relevant parts … Read more