Visualising Paper Co-Author Collaboration Networks

As part of my job as an academic, a large part of what I do involves producing new knowledge by publishing research papers with other fellow researchers, As I was completing a PhD, I had the opportunity to get a few publications out, both as a lead author (along with my supervisors) and as a … Read more

Analysing the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup with Graph Theory

It’s fair to say that I don’t follow many sports. I’m more of a casual observer myself and would much rather watch something like the Tour de France or a rugby match now and then. That being said, I recently came across a post on my Mastodon feed about using Gephi to visualise the relationship … Read more

Your Social Network Is Bigger Than You Think!

Your social network is bigger than you think! I remember what got me really interested in social network analysis as a field of academic study was just the scale at which these networks grow. Whether we are looking at how people talk with others or share things with other people, these interactions can grow to … Read more

Interaction Networks of #COVID19 and “Delta variant” on Twitter

EDIT (Feb 2023): As of 09/02/2023, Twitter is closing down public access to the API and replacing it with a paid service. In the previous post, we went through the process of how to collect data from Twitter (Via Twint) using a few key terms. We then used regular expressions to extract the relevant parts … Read more