Finding Peaks in a Dataset and Why It Is Not Straightforward


In my job as a data analyst, I come across many different types of problems to solve. Some are relatively easy to solve, others not so much. That was until recently, where I came across a problem I have never given much thought before. That was until now. What is the problem? Finding multiple peaks … Read more

How to Build a Self-Organising Map (SOM) in Python Step-by-Step

In a separate blog post, I covered the basis for understanding how self-organising maps (SOM) work. This included what a SOM is, why SOM’s are useful and how they work – including the training algorithm. In this blog post, we’ll go through how we can build a simple SOM neural network of our own using … Read more

How Self-Organising Maps Work: Explained with Graphics

Artificial Neural Networks (simply known as neural networks) come in all different shapes and sizes and can be designed to solve different types of problems. Classification, regression, supervised and unsupervised. Neural networks are incredibly versatile. It’s fair to say that neural networks are the go-to solution for any predictive task imaginable. This is especially true … Read more

Interaction Networks of #COVID19 and “Delta variant” on Twitter

EDIT (Feb 2023): As of 09/02/2023, Twitter is closing down public access to the API and replacing it with a paid service. In the previous post, we went through the process of how to collect data from Twitter (Via Twint) using a few key terms. We then used regular expressions to extract the relevant parts … Read more