Analysing the 2023 FIFA Women’s World Cup with Graph Theory

It’s fair to say that I don’t follow many sports. I’m more of a casual observer myself and would much rather watch something like the Tour de France or a rugby match now and then. That being said, I recently came across a post on my Mastodon feed about using Gephi to visualise the relationship … Read more

Best Web Scraping Practices for 2022

There is an abundance of freely available datasets on the internet for pretty much anything and everything you can think of. In a previous blog post, we covered five different platforms for finding useful datasets. However, as mentioned in the post, there are times when you may need to collect data where it may be … Read more

Essential Python Packages for the Web Scraping Toolbox in 2022

Python is known for being able to do many different things due to the versatility of the programming language. One thing Python is particularly well-known for is its ability to receive data over the Web using the requests package (more information can be found here). The requests package enables users to perform basic HTTP requests … Read more