Time for a New Blog? Exploring Faith and Technology

This is just a small update, but I wanted to share some thoughts. Over the past few days, I’ve been thinking about setting up a new blog (separate from this one) dedicated to helping Christians understand the role of technology and how it impacts our lives.

Navigating the world of technology is often confusing in and of itself, but knowing where Christians should stand when it comes to using technology makes it even harder.

I’ve explored loads of different niches over the years and have written about many different topics. Usually, whenever I set up a new blog, I end up losing interest, not finding the time, or discovering that I’m not truly passionate about it after all.

This time should be different, as I’m branching out into a completely new niche and writing for a different audience. I’m combining two things I’m truly passionate about: faith and technology.

I love writing, and I hope that by offering my insights on technology alongside some applied theology, we can better make sense of this ever-changing and complex world.

All I need now is a name for this blog and some post ideas.