Introducing - My New Data Blog!

For a while now, I’ve been thinking about setting up my own data-based blog to demonstrate the power of data science as a technique for helping communicate valuable insights. I understand that there are many data science blogs out there on the web (which is fine) and I’m sure you’re probably going to ask me something along the lines of “how exatly is this going to be any different from all the others?”. That’s a good question, and the answer is, it won’t be.

While the main goal of this site is to help people understand more about society and the world around them with data (e.g. through visualisation and prediction models), it also has a secondary purpose of acting as a data science portfolio and to supplement the work on this blog. In other words, I plan on separating the results from the methods.

Does this mean that my personal blog will be neglected now that I’ve set up a new blog? No. I want to make that very clear. In fact, I would like to use this space as a place to document the methods used as part of the process. If you’re interested in the nitty-gritty of data science, feel free to follow this blog for more.

So with my mind already set, I decided to make the jump by purchasing a domain name, setting up and installing Ghost on a Linux box and start writing. And so, was born! Why the name “BrewingData”? Honestly, I don’t know. I’m terrible when it comes to names, and I like brewing coffee.

I’m hoping that the site will appeal to anyone interested in the details (the nerds, like me) and for those who simply want to know just a little bit more about a particular event or topic.

As I mention on the site, I have no specific agenda for what will and will not be featured in the blog, although, it will be based upon topics I feel conformable talking about including (but not limited to), politics, sport, the housing market, COVID-19 and social media.

Check it out now, BrewingData.